Part 1 of 3
I had a SAV style post almost complete, then found out he didn't die, but his wife left him and his business failed for a third time and after getting COVID scrubbed most of his 2 Fecesbook that remains open and abandoned. After many hours, what I had compiled sounded more like the lyrics to a bad country song so I scrapped it. Ah well! I hope you enjoy this foray into another POS that is anti-anything non christian and non RWNJ. There is no hate like "christian" hate.
GiveSendGo: Feedumb & Greedom
What is working for the fake militias, fake RWNJ “Christians”/MAGAs, gun nuts and the GQP and by extension LOSER45, is GiveSendGo, dammit…
GiveSendGo co-founder Jacob Wells Bio: Says he is “father to biological, adoptive, and foster children,” Jacob Wells CoFounder/CFO at GSG supposedly has a fundraising background, but without much info about him, there is little to find. His site says nothing about him other than he and 2 siblings (of twelve all together) had an idea… (I am so sure it was done in Jesus name, as is their percentage of every donation) They are all about freedumb!
According to him, he was in the Navy (I remember reading when it began in 2015 that he was a MAGA marine… and started it to support militias, MAGA and THEMSELVES… which is pretty indicative of the MAGA “Christian.” I can no longer find that so he may have scrubbed his past with his new found billions)
GiveSendGo co-founder Heather Wilson Bio: Mother of 6 , “Heather believes that the most important thing she can leave behind in this world, is a legacy of a life defined not by the work she did, but by the work Jesus did through her.” Not sure what she does in the company and the third sibling was never mentioned…
Before paypal and they parted ways, Jacob wrote this (Or rather an older chatbox AI) to defend their stance: “GiveSendGo has received a lot of hatred, allegations, and questioning how the proclaimed Christ dfunding site will allow users to raise funds for legal funds and other campaigns that cause us to disagree with it. We have given many thoughts around them. Questions like us Also took Christian’s name very seriously.“ Jacob Wells, a US Navy veteran and one of the founders of Gives. “ We pushed into the national spotlight when we allowed Kyle’s [Rittenhouse] family and friends to raise funds [millions]on our platform even when everyone rejected it. We have received a letter of hatred and the desire of death by thousands and we have spent hours praying, talking, looking for advice , and read the scriptures to find God’s direction for us in this matter.“
Here is his linkedIn… that says he live in Virginia Beach, Virginia. His company, however, is of course safely in Delaware… and the business is in Boston… All legit, I am sure! /S
The US elections and the circle jerk of RWNJs milking voters and the system is just so disgusting. The GQP will keep their party alive with court cases, gerrymandering and cheating … as evidenced since at least 2000.
Mar 21, 2024
He insists his business in non partisan... and he in no was supports ideology via it... IOW another lying "christian."
It is closed now… but the money is ON HOLD… but hey, even though tRUMP got his loan, those millions raised can generate a lot of interest!
Helped fund the insurrection of Jan 6
A GoFundMe for DC police officer Michael Fanone, was defending the Capitol on January 5 and was dragged into the mob of insurrectionists, beaten and tased until he suffered a heart attack. His total from was $19,206 USD raised and the fundraiser is no longer accepting donations. Another had $205 and no longer accepting donations. He did get RW smears though; EG: called a pussy and more and Laura Ingram called him a “crisis actor” on FOX…
March 22, 2022
Here is a screenshot of the 3 GSG fundraisers for the leader of the proudboys...
April 2022
And they make the insurrectionists the “heroes” and “patriots.” Wells says giving to the ProudBoys and Alex Jones is “what Jesus would want him to do…”
GSG for Jan 6 insurrectionists RWNJ site for Jan 6 insurrectionistswith lots of info on those it supports…
Jim Hoft is deciding where the GiveSendGo funds are going.
The Patriot Freedom project
Many have their OWN page… some with hundreds of thousands donated! EG: Highlighting Jan 6 Insurrectionist *Edward Jacob Lang AKA Edward Lang:
He says he is not partisan and does not support any GSG campaigns... [much] Here he is preying for the "praying grandma" insurrectionist...
And a few searches…
February 13, 2022
The site was hacked. I got this screenshot
Freedumb trucker funds
Mar 03, 2022
After the Canada Feedumb trucker funds were frozen by the Canadian government, they and the Jan 6 insurrectionists pulled their grifty greedy guts fundraisers to GiveSendGo… the “Christian” site that helped finance the weapons and armour that people took to and wore on January 6, as well as militia training and who the hell knows what else. This “christian” POS knows how to get the RWNJs to give the graft, however! Appeal to every low life MAGA stance. ADDENDUM: I forgot to add that the Proud Boys are designated as a terrorist group in Canada...
‘American crowdfunding site GiveSendGo is defending its decision to host a fundraiser for the Ottawa convoy protest, telling a parliamentary committee Thursday that the Canadian government never asked it to stop. The site's spokespeople also told MPs that it would host fundraisers for the Proud Boys or the Ku Klux Klan if what they were planning to do with the money was legal.” Jacob Wells and Heather Wilson told members of Parliament, “it's important to defend freedom of speech.’
"We believe deeply, to the core of our being, that the suppression of speech is much more dangerous than speech itself," said Wells.’ [BARF! It is the percentage fee and the money talking!]
April 2021 and February 2022
A DDoS website easily hacked the GSG website twice … targeting the "Freedom Convoy 2022" campaign donor information that managed to raise more than $8.4 m. It includes funds raised from several Canadian business owners.
Freedom my ass… they do it for Republican Geesus and the money!
Jan 08, 2024 The POS is still crowing about it … in the third recent post. And look at the toxic people he sent his message out to…
According to the fees they would have collected, they got a cut of at least 735k off the many trucker protest sites.
We have a Pray [Prey] Button!
This is getting long... I will attempt to add a comment with pictures...
Wish me luck in Part 2.
Comment pictures are suddenly working again ! yay
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Part 3
Oh, really?
I am not on XTwatter and have access only to a timeline mishmash from the last few years. In those 30 or so posts I can see, 5 are directing people to this tRUMP bail bailout... I can only imagine what bias I might find in his real timeline...
There are also 2 blogs... that sent people to support the truckers.
And because Kyle Rittenhouse donations of millions launched GiveSendGo's grift success bigtime ... here is one of his new pics... and a book of course.
I forgot I had more info in the Trucker FreeDUMB file...
GiveSendGo hid money from the Canadian Government
‘Out of 200 of the top American donors to the convoy protest that paralyzed downtown Ottawa and blocked parts of the Canada-U.S. border, half have names matching those of donors to Republican candidates, the Republican Party or former U.S. President Donald Trump, according to analysis by CBC News.’
GiveSendGo says their funds are in an undisclosed bank…
Trudeau really did freeze a lot of accounts... including the corporate accounts of the truck's owners... Canadians were fed up with these pukes and we let him know... and this was NOT going overboard. It was understated...
GiveSendGo: platform for extremists
There were THREATS and a person who matched a name of someone in the DOJ , FFS…
GiveSend Go exposed user data FOR YEARS
Misconfigured S3 bucket contained donors' passports and driver licenses that was exposed 3 years ago and not fixed~ It’s not known for exactly how long the bucket was left exposed, but a text file left behind by an unnamed security researcher, dated September 2018, warned that the bucket was “not properly configured” which can have “dangerous security implications.”
The POS are still at it and funding future terrorists and events in Canada. ...IE: These little POS indoctrinated by their asshole parents:
Nicolas Nicholas Alexander: @Nick_SaveCanada Kneel to Christ, and to him alone. Has a crowdfunding as they are trying to be the Project Vertas on the North… "independent journalism" puke teens and 'political influencers.' (I hate the US for this…)
Part 2
‘Free’ Crowdfunding Site Linked to Right-Wing Causes Generates a Windfall for Itself
GiveSendGo donations skyrocketed for Kyle Rittenhouse's defense, and also lost them Paypal and some credit cards. (As did Jan 6)
And there was the millions given to Kyle Rittenhouse for his defense. The way it was won, by trying more than the case of murder before him … the judge just might have had some extra cash in his account. And why was kyle Rittenhouse allowed to lean over the judge like this as they looked at evidence? I guess he had decided the poor gun toting child was innocent? May we see you let a black person or any person off colour disrespect you in court like that?
Sure, I will go there again...
Sick parents make for a sick child...
Given Kyle’s propensity for violence (he even beat up a girl on video) and his parents attitude about guns, it is a good thing the creep didn’t take one of parent’s guns to school…
Ricky the “christian“ wife-beater declared the poor baby innocent and happily gave to his campaign… as Jesus would have done no doubt... /S
Jacob is still defending being an asshole … And, he says whatever they do is legal moral and ethical okay? He’s a “christian,” after all…
I an not XTwatter so I guess the person capitulated the argument to the a'hole... and notice how he lies and says they do not promote campaigns...
He believes anything goes with 2A!
He stealthily adds a criminal to his XTwatter,,,, but yeah, he does not promote campaigns...
You have to click to see the reason for his request for donations:
Here is the real story… He bought parts online … then made an untraceable arsenal.
Anti COVID mandates
Here is Jackass Jacob defending his stance on COVID mandates with his military service ge tours, yet has hidden for some reason… (Someone needs to asks him what service... where... rank, etc)
STFU up you money grubber…
We are free, [if you don't count our fee!]
NOT Partisan...
Oh so partisan...
PJama media no less said so!
And why would any business owner have to say this? And how does saying it make it true?