Not only that, but it gives you instant Lupus... AND Lymphoma! We are doomed I tell ya! 'The more you know' in 2023... Hey, who needs DNA anyway?
This is just too ridiculous. It is not so much that we wish you dead; it is more that we wished you had listened in school and not watched FOX or listened to RUSH et al... and sent out all those fake copied and pasted disinformation memes. We don't wish you to die, for the most part. We just no longer give a shit if you do. ( I left out the relentless mocking... It has been awhile and I /we are out of practice)
It's a Reddit HCA post, so ... come for the eyerolls, stay for the laughter. HermanCainAward/comments/16f5m7h/she_had_no_dna_oh_noes/ PS: The "stollen" spelling is from three of tRUMP's posts. Let them eat cake.
I Don't know why DeathSAnits is having trouble keeping Public Health officials. It is a mystery...
The COVID follies continue -
Florida's Surgeon General tells people to avoid COVID booster vaccines
This guy was not particularly ill with only 67% O2... and as he was being intubated for the third time, he was indeed, totally not particularly ill. it is a miracle that he wasn't particularly ill...
I thought it was a spoof, but no...
Also seen on Reddit: This Brain damaged antivaxxer has his "story" on the opposite world site where they live and died as victims of the healthcare system... (IT makes me sick that this site may disappear while that one may stay alive...)
Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio is filing legislation Tuesday that bars the federal government from imposing mask mandates on transit systems or in schools. Mr. Vance, a Republican, is introducing the Freedom to Breathe Act as a handful of businesses and schools reimpose mask rules because of a surge in COVID-19 cases.
“We are about to have some serious respiratory problems — we always do in the fall — and maybe it will be worse this fall and this winter than before,” Vance argued. He added that while he has three kids under the age of seven, “they need us to not be Chicken Little about every single respiratory pandemic and problem that confronts this country.”
Speaking of "Chicken Littles," I know one. Peter Thiel, who paid for JD Vance's seat at the trough, high- tailed it to his New Zealand safe place before COVID hit home in the USA...