This took way too long as I am not functioning well ... so forgive spelling amd whatever else you see. I hope it still gets some views and maybe a few comments to make it worthwhile....
Charles "Chuck Westphal," Marion County Florida Fire Rescue Driver Engineer, died Feb. 4, 2024
Chuck likes football and his 2 kids. He devoted 99% of his Fecesbook to those 2 topics, with football winning out and rarely mentioning his wife unless it was about his need for porn of another woman now and again… (Why do people put that online?) Guess who he voted for.
Suuuuuure Zen Guru Chuck. Thank you for the advice, Zen master!
Something changed here in the next few years… He was THRILLED with LOSER45 obviously. Then COVID happened, but he still had to be at work, so it isn’t as though he was sitting in front of his computer all day. I can only guess there was resentment for being a frontline worker, jealous that others could stay home while he was required to work. And although the work is very dangerous, there is ample opportunity for bitch sessions and perhaps they are allowed to have laptops to ease the boredom. Anyhoo … his focus became more and more on resentment of all things
He begins to be an RW asshole. After watching tRUMP throw paper towels and send in “help” that was inexperienced and spending money on cronies, he likes that this post blames the left and victimizes his orange god. There is no accompanying wish for their plight or recovery.
COVID is a joke... until he gets it of course.
Here is one of his resentment posts.
I am not sure, but he may have a problem with skin tone.
Have I said yet that Chuck Westphal is a MAGA Moron? And an asshole?
Anti masker and antivaxxer anti anything that the RW tell him to be… I only added a few. HCA added more.
Rioters that are jerks are not necessarily Dems or even voters and many were enjoying the mayhem and not part of the actual BLM protest... MAGA was Jan 6. And it was an insurrection. They were gleefully enjoying the mayhem as well, but, I have 600 pages of proof that they were MAGA being they filmed themselves and wrote the tRUMP diatribes and MAGA love for all to find, copy and save.
This is getting long so I will add PART 2 in comments.
PS I loved the dead cat bounce. Also, I bet Chuckie was only allowed to be the fire truck driver for a reason.Haha.
Well, BRAVO for the Marion County FD. They managed to kill off not one but two of their own. His ninny wife deserves whatever precarius financial situation she's in. Thanks for the update. I was also wondering if covid is really gone based on hospital admission data, but then it occurred to me that there are likely people admitted with the newer, less severe virus who may refuse to be tested for Covid and are getting admitted as "pneumonia" - and sure enough, it looks like they can refuse the test.,or%20other%20legally%20protected%20rights.
Ah, the obligatory ‘The left are Nazis and COVID protocols are JUST LIKE NAZISM! ‘ post…
Obligatory Fauci hate too, of course, with a little mask hate thrown in. I doubt this guy EVER wore a mask, but his kids had to for their return to school. (He took a picture) I am sure he helped them become accustomed to wearing them and was logical and reasonable in his explanations of why they needed to wear them… /s
Chuck hates vaccines, masks, vaccines, mandates, Biden, Fauci and Dems and he blames being a miserable SOB on them. Who needs those protocols to save lives, hey chuck? Such a nuisance… But… he wants the government to give away Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin not vaccines and no passports.
He reposts Charlie Kirk and white people a lot, but narry a CanDeath Owens. Weird! He may have some 'issues' he doesn’t overtly talk about …
I had to hurry as it seems someone was cleaning up the Chuck on aisle 11. Hi Jen
There is a very long pause in here as Chuck spends 133 days in the hospital. (Or they scribbed a lot) There are many rants about the hospital and his treatment. They saved his life and not a ‘thank you’ anywhere to be seen. This picture from GFM is it… These pictures make me said but it doesn't last long as I read how he likely killed others with his ignorance. He really wasted away.
He’s home… late February, 2022
Marion County firefighter back home after months in hospital fighting COVID-19
Video and story here:
APRIL 2023
He says he dead lifted hundreds of pounds during this time, in his effort to return to work. He also says he has only 30% lung capacity so has to always be on supplemental oxygen. I used to lift weights and you need to be able to breathe properly to do it. And have the musculature as well as stamina. I also used to do flour packing contest and could lift the weight of 2 or 3 people on my back. A fireman’s lift was a breeze then. Being I have long COVID and scarred lungs even before that, I can lift a bag of dirt on my back but I can’t carry it more than 10 to 15 feet on a GOOD day. If I don’t stop, I can feel I might pass out. I think he was lying. (PS: He can’t walk at all without Oxygen as he demonstrated for his wife soon after this. And man, another body transformation)
When you see the cherry instead of a picture, it is a post from Reddit HCA as I have no access to his written rants. You can see MUCH more bitching and different memes there if you are a sucker for punishment:
Chuck is whining, then says what he took to 'prevent COVID' - Unknown amounts of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and who know what amount of supplements were not available to him once he was in the hospital.
Gee, how did your life end up like this? You had a nice chat with your Doc about getting new lungs, but you never talked about it again. Now why would that be, Chuck?
He’s feeling like his old self! Oh oh!
Insert long cat bounce pic…
He had no posts on football for years... then suddenly...
Chuck Westphal in a nutshell
And of course. There is a gofundme, and probably also a Give Send go, although there was not one peep of religion that I found. It says it has been open for 2 years and only made a little over 9k. I feel badly for the kids losing their father. It will be a tough ride for them for awhile.
There are SIX podcasts with the wife whining. His wife Lara says she is a of Public Health graduate student whatever that 2 year course gets you… but, she is also a moron regardless… You just KNOW she is going to get a job as a whiny public health something or other. Hopefully nowhere near patients… … Here is a taste 🤢
As a second warning… here is part of the introduction…
Chuck Westphal needed to wash his hands more I guess… (I see that picture got erased, dammit... ) although the incubation process may have been a problem too…
His funeral was today, Feb 17, but could not find an obit for some reason other than the fake legacies online. Perhaps his wife left it as it was in the Fecesbook page for Marion County firefighters.
Another fireman died Feb 10th, 2024 but does not say why. He ALSO works for Marion County Fire Rescue.