Just as omicron evaded tests and treatments developed for the original covid variant, mutations are now appearing that look like delta so those who had omicron infections have very little immune system protection for them. It’s the old switcheroo.
The article says it puts everyone at more risk, but the unvaxxed morons who survived omicron and think they have protection going forward probably don’t.
Ride them waves, brothers and sisters!
Vaccination for covid might be a thing in the past soon. The virologists and scientists are ahead of the game. Nasal sprays (SNG001) may be coming. and trials are ongoing. Covid is likely to become more infectious and continue to evolve.
For those "protocols kill" merchants of death and disorder-
Stacy et al, you are focked oof in no short order and you are all heading nowhere, except bankruptcy, both morally and financially. Your ivermectin was proved to do nowt and went out of the winda but rhat is what comes from being involved with grifters and charlatans.
I can find a lot of refs but this one will do, ~ https://www.nihr.ac.uk/covid-19/finding-new-treatments.htm