The Video was removed, but not before it was saved for posterity by RW Watch. It is truly stunning... and as many have stated, is indicative of the stealth and mendacity these RW people... 'chosen by god' to represent you ... so that they can rule over you in god's name.
Daily KOS has the story and more... written by a humourist @Aldous J Pennyfarthing ... but deadly serious. He added a transcript as well:
Unholy Moses: Mike Johnson claims God chose him to lead America to a Republican promised land
Here is the Carville video from Twatter so that you do not have to go there: Political pundit James Carville lived in Louisiana for decades & knows Mike Johnson & other "christian" Nationalists of his ilk:
In other words Mike Johnson is the "new"
Redneck,white sheet, bluenose .
~ Hawkeye Pierce