Melania true upset. Friend in Los Angeles send Melania link of City Council President talking horrible things about groups Melania love. And vwhen Melania say love, she not kid. Maybe friends here send her email, to resign. Not fit for anything. Not even to wash or wax Melania flower. She real piece of shit. Kisses to all! Melania love everyvone of you!
Nice to hear from you, Melania. Yeah, those council members are a pack of low-lifes. Hope they resign or get forced out soon.
... and while we're on the subject of racists, what's with Kanye West lately? He's way past his sell-by date, but he still craves more and more attention and is willing to do anything keeps himself in the public eye. Negative publicity being easier to get than the positive kind, the only thing he knows is to try to be the baddest kid in the hood, then do the "pity me" act whenever he gets his due. Where does he keep getting his cash? Isn't it depleted by now? I can only hope we soon hear of him living in a trailer park somewhere.