Saw this and had to share…
Matt Gaetz’ pardon request for Trump was intentionally broad to also cover his sex crimes transporting underage girls across state lines for sex and cocaine parties.
“The pardon that he was discussing, requesting, was as broad as you could describe, from... the beginning of time up until today, for any and all things.”
The only reason Matt Gaetz wasn’t involved in the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal is Epstein was arrested just as Gaetz was getting interested in children. Fuck Matt Gaetz.

No matter what happens, he can in no way be pardoned for being a supreme fuckstick.
I'll suggest 75 yrs, one year for every UNDERAGE GF hes had....
I hope he gets put away for 50 years.
“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.”
If that doesn't scream conspiracy to defraud the United States, I don't know what does. If Donnie was trying to con influential people to do his bidding, he would've been wise to stick with a group of folks who didn't know the law and who don't take detailed notes. He usually tries to stay far away from documentation.
LOL, the Gaetz shade of toast.
perfect, ha ha ha ha ,he is such a jerk...