I live in Scotland. I am 65 years old.
Until 1987, when I was 31, the UK had never experienced a mass shooting. However, on 19th August of that year, we had our first one (Hungerford) where Michael Ryan shot 16 people dead, then turned the gun on himself. This was in a small town and didn't include any of the schools.
The next one was the Dunblane school shooting, in 1996. (16 children, 1 teacher and the gunman Thomas Hamilton died).
We haven't had another school shooting since then. In 2010, a man called Derrick Byrd shot his twin brother and the family solicitor dead, then a work colleague who he didn't much like, before roaming around Cumbria and shooting randomly at people. There were 13 deaths, including Byrd's suicide.
That's it. I just SMH over the vast number of shootings in America. They just don't happen here, and our police are unarmed, too.
We're insane here in the US. It's absolutely fucking incomprehensible to me. Maybe I should move to Scotland.