After working so hard in many sites to show people just what tRUMP is all these years, I was demoralized when he was voted in again. I have thousands and thousands of pages of files that are useless garbage now that tRUMP is rewriting history and punishing anyone who says a bad word about him.
As a woman, I find it unconscionable that 2 competent woman were not voted for because the trolls said they cackled when they laughed and women don't belong in the workforce let alone the presidency. It is unconscionable that tRUMP was even allowed to run as a felon, that the Corrupt SCOTUS has allowed so much and protects a criminal. It was unconscionable that even those violent January 6 insurrectionists who attacked police officers and destroyed parts of the Capitol were pardoned. As a Canadian, I find it unconscionable that the MAGA morons voted for a criminal who told Americans exactly what he was going to do...and that they still cheer him as he slices their throats with a thousand cuts.
A favourite tactic of tyrants and dictators.
the process of making someone lose confidence, enthusiasm, and hope: Increasing state power was responsible for the demoralization of the workers. This was the beginning of demoralization among the troops.
People who are devoid of conscience crave power. Narcissists and psychopaths are empty vessels who never have enough and will do and say anything to fill up their void...and garner loyal minions to validate their lack of true strength and intelligence.
1 shockingly unfair or unjust, as in: unconscionable sales practices
b excessive, unreasonable, as in: found an unconscionable number of defects in the car
2 not guided or controlled by conscience, as in: unscrupulous, an unconscionable villain

It is demoralizing and disheartening. As an American, I am struggling to accept that this is where we are. Misogyny is real and very much alive in the US, but it's not the only problem. As a person who has always been intensely curious, I'm shocked to realize how the 1/3 of our population who voted for Trump could be so gullible. Roughly another 1/3 didn't vote at all. That level of disengagement is almost worse. I don't know how the situation will end. I don't see disinformation going away. If anything, it's going to get worse. The best that I can hope for is that other nations learn from what happened to us and take the steps needed to protect themselves.