JWT and where we all come from. The age old question = Is there life on other worlds?, Or are we, by some miracle, unique, and we just happen to be it? This link delves into it and some of the troubling subjects. If we can only see to our horizons are there universes we will never see? Black Holes? Cosmic Microwave Background? What are they all about? Some answers and to me a load of questions more.

I've always been an astronomy buff. Actually since I was in elementary school around the third grade.
That telescope has been nothing but amazing. And it comes at a good time.
Just looking at some of those pictures of all the FUCKING GALAXIES out there and realizing what a small slice of the universe they are is simply mind boggling.
It helps me put the Earthly idiocy in some perspective and gives me some slight hope that there might actually be something more worthwhile out there. Whether it cares about us or not doesn't matter one whit to me (as I'm not even sure I would...). It could come and destroy us tomorrow and I wouldn't feel too sad about it. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if it was something from a cheap HP Lovecraft pulp story.
And, yet, mental midgets out there STILL think some little Jewish kid allegedly born some 2000 years ago is the actual "son" of the "Creator of The Universe" and will return some day to take their worthless asses somewhere to party for eternity.
They are still looking for that Alpha Ape In The Sky to "save" them.
Yeah, that's definitely NOT some tribal superstition...
It's like we're two different species of animals sometimes.
And, yet, the morons out there are so sure "He" is coming back soon...
The probabilities favor life on other planets, and once there is life there is competition and survival of the fittest. The variety of life here has been proven by millions/billions of years of evolution. It may even be reasonable that similar pressures on other planets produce similar beings to those we have here, including ourselves.
But that also may embed and force survival techniques like intelligence into the same kind of downward spiral as here as otherworldly species also paint themselves into corners where competition and aggression, with better tools thanks to intelligence, can lead to self-annihilation.
Humans got very close to rising above the inclinations that initially helped survival but now threaten it. We are devious, we lie, we cheat, we kill, we threaten. We pollute, we destroy, and we waste. We do all sorts of things to scratch and claw our ways above the others in complex reproductive displays but those things now threaten our own survival. And they are probably hard coded into our brain wirings so we don’t have to be taught aggression. We just do it.
As we learn to harness the powers of the universe, we hand ourselves all the tools necessary for our own destruction. Any other aliens probably would have had to surpass other somewhat similar issues. Or, they escape self-destruction by pure luck only to sail the interstellar spaces looking for other planets to similarly infect and rule over. You know, like us.
Ultimately, I think intelligence only gets us so far before a species destroys itself from the inside. It’s too hard to offload all the survival-based competitive baggage that got us here but leads to wars, and too easy to make planet-sterilizing weapons. But then maybe a pandemic wiped out all their warlike brethren and left the intelligent ones to run their planets? It’s not like there isn’t a precedent to point to… 🖖
Love it. Love quantum theory and ideas about other dimensions as well. Love CERN!
I love this stuff, thx for sharing!