"The tangle of Omicron spawns—with or without a new parent variant—could make for a rough fall and winter, Ray said.
His advice? Continue to mask and get your booster. And remember that the pandemic isn’t over.
“There are people who predicted COVID would be over by Easter of last year,” he said. "
Fortune and its readers want their taxcuts extended forever... because I know someone who said dozens and more dozens of times that COVID would be gone or disappear in 2020. https://fortune.com/well/2022/09/20/bf-7-new-covid-subvariant-rising-in-united-states-us-omicron-centaurus/
IOW, Erin is either a partisan hack or dumb as rocks. She only started with Fortune in March, but if she is going to do the COVID beat (and she is) she should be on the ball and savvy. This seems more like someone seeking anti Biden sentiment... given she has no medical background other than being a student taking Public Health courses in that renowned Public Health State of Alabama. She has the clickbait thing going for her!