Pharmacist recommended the half dose of Moderna yesterday to see me through until the Omicron-specific one. Woke up with the familiar old hit-by-a-truck feels and a punch in the arm, took some codeine and nothing planned for today except lounging on the patio. I told him I call it 'the magic juice of science' and he thought that was hilarious, and thanked me for making him laugh, because lord knows we have to grab the laughs whenever we can in the middle of this shit show.
In other news I go back to work after a year off (because hey I love money...) starting a new job on Monday at my alma mater, HEPA units galore in a large office shared with one other person, and I'm getting my own desktop model for my space. Pretty much everyone masking when going from A to B and meeting in offices, would not be surprised if they bring back the mandate when the big O gets ripping in September. I plan on keeping the N95s handy and just keeping my head down and my powder dry.
Stay safe everyone!
My BFF visiting from Denmark was able to get one here in Canadaland today! Which is awesome because she's on a three-month tour which includes visiting her aged parents in Alberta. She masks up and tests every day and has been super careful and considerate, and just about everyone she was going to visit (except me) went down with Covid so she's had to scramble to find alternate accommodation when she flies out to Calgary tomorrow in the middle of Stampede Week. Her daughter's partner in Ottawa is in the throes of a nasty lung infection after they went to an unmasked Microsoft convention in France. Daughter got it too but does not have the lingering after-effects just yet.
I'm starting a new job next week and will now be alone in the office due to the other person having a daughter who just came down with it and so mum has to work at home. The other person I'm replacing is off on a two-week vacay to Prague, so hopefully she won't bring it back. Needless to say I'm not unhappy to be ALONE in the office in the middle of this shit show even though I won't have a clue about what to do with nobody around to give me direction. It's hilarious really. 🙄