I am so happy to hear that President Biden will be visiting our wee country. The ‘orangies’ however may not be so happy about it. Here is an article from eight years ago but which I think is still relevant. As it’s from the BBC I don’t know if the link will work but I‘ll post the headline also.

Someone obviously didn’t get the memo…

That picture of Old Mushroom Dick merits a trigger warning.
Very excited that President Biden is in our wee country today. Watched the speech he made at the University of Ulster, what a guy! The US were very instrumental in the peace process here 25 years ago, and I for one will be forever grateful. Here’s to many more years!
The orangies .......... good grief. S, M, H. I just can't .........
My biggest fear, with Anglo/American relations, is the eventual trade deal. You know what that will be, I'm sure you do. For one thing, the end of the NHS.