Will it be about the coordinated attack, who is financing it, the leaders, the timeline, or the fake militia ? Here is their Gov site but no clues on it.
If you are itching to know more about the coordination on Jan 6, the citizen sleuths have put together a stunning timeline. https://twitter.com/capitolhunters/status/1544412192514121732
Former deputy Press Sec .Sarah Matthews, who resigned after the Jan 6 insurrection, will make an appearance. Although it is good that people who actually worked in the administration are coming forward, but both still think LOSER45's administration was a good one... and the antics of Jan 6 was all that was wrong with it? Bleah... please let there be more then that...
Following a subpoena, Pat Cipollone "volunteered" to a videotaped deposition. I doubt his testimony will be the sublject of this hearing given the timeline they are building.
I was hoping they would begin unraveling what the plans were for the fake militias and those who were directing them... (Stone and Flynn and tRUMP himself and more?)