There is a story on HCAz about a far right wing lady, who had been a man, which is fine, who got her HCAz. She mentioned that she discovered she was transsexual while in psychotherapy in 2008. A link to her blog is below.
She was a psychic, who went on sasquatch expeditions, took pictures of sasquatches (they looked like logs to me) watching her, also there were "little ones" (gnomes) following them through the forest that oddly looked like pine moss on the trees. She was also sent images from UFOs that she detailed. She had a very successful IT career. She hated anything blue and wanted the country to divorce the blue parts from the red to form two new countries.
She packed it in during the Delta wave (hated vaccines of any type), so she probably did not really get much of a chance to see her party turn on her community as a ploy to get the Christian primary voters. Samantha was her name if you are interested in reading that I have copied HCAz work below!
Samantha. She had a very successful career in IT, been married, had kids, discovered she was trans-gendered and started living as a woman. All good! The lack of trust in government and modern medicine, in my opinion, are her weakness.
You don't discover you're trans, you know from an early age who you are, and it's when you go to a physician and start taking hormones that you can then say you are transgender. Before that, all you are is a scared individual not knowing how you will solve this dilemma of being one person in your head and another in body. No one is born transsexual/gender. That's the cubby hole the medical profession puts you in after you take hormones, when really, all they want is to be the man or woman they really are. They don't want a tag on them pointing at their name or sexual parts any more than anyone else does. People who have changed their gender are gay, bi or straight, just like all other people. 😶😐😎
I'll copy her bio when I find it from her bulletin board. Therein she said that she discovered she was trans while undergoing psychotherapy later in life.
"Also last year I made a life-changing discovery about myself and after seeing a therapist for several months was diagnosed as transgendered or Gender Identity Disorder. So since early 2008 I have been on a program of physical “change” to “fix” the problem. I have been on hormone therapy since September of 2008 and have as of April 21th of 2009 legally changed my name to Samantha Ellen Ritchie."
In general terms though, I don't believe we all come to self-realization in the same way. I knew I was gay as a very young kid. I had a colleague fall in love with another man in his early fifties, he said he had no idea at all that he was oriented that way until it happened. That is of course anecdotal, however, there is research that indicates that ~73% of people who don't identify with their gender are aware of that by age 7.
A look back at some of her political op-ed. She wants to break the country in two, red and blue! Some back and forth here. One of her friends, Debbie, would stand for none of it. We mused "Debbie" would be the new term for the polar opposite of a Karen.
How is it that I as a Canadian know more about presidential executive orders than this misinformed twit?
Firstly, they are not permanent. Secondly, how does this POS RWNJ not know that tRump overturned nearly every one of Obama's executive orders in spite and that he made a pledge to do it before he ran and repeated it soon after,
Thirdly, tRUMP admonished Obama for using executive orders with disgusting Tweets then proceeded to try and outdo the numbers!
Biden Jr. issued 110 executive orders 2021 - 2023.
I thought her attitude was narcissistic, but in any case as you point out, it was a fatal flaw. She was not the garden variety uneducated right wing anti-vaxxer. There was more going on.
She is detached for sure. I thought that her proclivity to promote herself as the expert on anything that she touched, especially in her work bio, where it seemed she took credit for the success of an entire corporation, similar to the way she posed as the expert on parapsychological phenomenon where she esteems herself as being the final authority on the subject might be narcissistic (?)
Jabberwookie told ya so, bitch!
The Psychic Spectrum. <<<Those two are Qidiots for sure.
There is a story on HCAz about a far right wing lady, who had been a man, which is fine, who got her HCAz. She mentioned that she discovered she was transsexual while in psychotherapy in 2008. A link to her blog is below.
She was a psychic, who went on sasquatch expeditions, took pictures of sasquatches (they looked like logs to me) watching her, also there were "little ones" (gnomes) following them through the forest that oddly looked like pine moss on the trees. She was also sent images from UFOs that she detailed. She had a very successful IT career. She hated anything blue and wanted the country to divorce the blue parts from the red to form two new countries.
She packed it in during the Delta wave (hated vaccines of any type), so she probably did not really get much of a chance to see her party turn on her community as a ploy to get the Christian primary voters. Samantha was her name if you are interested in reading that I have copied HCAz work below!
Samantha. She had a very successful career in IT, been married, had kids, discovered she was trans-gendered and started living as a woman. All good! The lack of trust in government and modern medicine, in my opinion, are her weakness.
Pre-covid. Commenting on her extracurricular interests.
Easier to read this one below.
Divide and conquer!
A look back at some of her political op-ed. She wants to break the country in two, red and blue! Some back and forth here. One of her friends, Debbie, would stand for none of it. We mused "Debbie" would be the new term for the polar opposite of a Karen.
Poor Dr. Fauci...
January 6th was a false flag arranged by corrupt lefties...
The main picture meme.
I trusted Moderna and it worked out well for me. Just saying.
She's talking about the day before, July 4th.