Much more at the link but you get the idea. This guy worked with Maria Butina and you can bet the unnamed co-conspirators were republican maga fucktards. Russia and Putin are openly attacking our country and funding politicians (republicans) that are damaging and weakening the country. Senator Rick Santorum sure knows what I’m talking about, huh, Rick?
The indictment describes some of the US political groups as "separatist groups" based in Florida and California that advocated for seceding from the US, and it alleges that Ionov had "direction or control over these groups on behalf of the FSB," providing financial support for the group and using them to publish Russian and pro-separatist propaganda online and on the radio.
Six US citizens worked with and were funded by Ionov, including two unnamed Florida residents who ran for public office in 2017 and 2019, the indictment said.
The unindicted co-conspirators allegedly worked to promote Russian interests, secession movements in California, and led pro-separatist political groups in the US, all with funding from the FSB.
According to the indictment, Ionov supported the 2019 campaign of one these alleged co-conspirators for local office in Florida by participating in campaign events and providing funds. Ionov also allegedly sent updates on the campaign's progress to FSB agents on the candidate whom, Ionov allegedly wrote to the FSB, "we supervise."
Mike Flynn is surely one as well... especially as he teamed with Q, calls for civil war, insurrection and genocide in the name of Jesus and is STILL criss-crossing the US telling lies and dividing the country further apart at every stop.
Here is the DOJ release:
And the indictment:
Ionov, Flynn, LOSER45 and many other MAGAs have been working to make America great again for some time now. (2016 story) I wonder who the sealed indictments are for in Florida and how many work with or for DEDantis and are insurrectionists who tried to run for office?