Who could blame anyone for not noticing? It was totally clouded over by LOSER45 antics and the press out to make click bait points and polish turds. Biden fell off his bike then dared to get COVID again... and was mentioned once for having a need for backup in the next election or the GQP will further Stymie Dems for the next 2 years and beyond. So forgive me for mixing it up and reminding you all that he exists.
There is much much more... including enacting the things tRUMP promised to have done "in 2 weeks" and never did... so please, go read. (I predicted Dems would not be able to clean up LOSER45's mess for 10 years even if they had that decade on power ... but Biden has made a great start. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/08/joe-biden-presidency-best-week-ever.html
Your votes also need to be shored up and the GQP has rejected the election provisions proposed. Biden still needs to get that done to protect the vote. Have you called your reps lately?
The MSM is going to turd polish forever as their bread and butter now relies on clicks. Make them do better... and let them know you hate it... and unsubscribe to show them when you do, please.
LOSER45 always has been and always will be the media’s darling because he gets clicks like nobody else. The media is not concerned with actual news. More than 1.5 years since TRAITOR45 left office, and we are still given our daily warmed over pile of dog turds known as trump by most of the media outlets.