Edited/updated to say: I think the idea of using mailing labels instead of sticky notes is a very good one. They adhere flat and I believe peel off fairly easily, so won't deface property. They can also be printed up en masse. Also, as I said below, I'm going to put the National Abortion Federation's website "prochoice.org" on all of my messages, as well as their abortion access hotline number: 1-800-772-9100.
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So the other day I was in a highway rest stop off of I-5 and had this thought: What if pro-choice women everywhere carry packets of sticky notes and pens with them and plaster messages on the backs of bathroom stall doors from coast to coast? I bought a pack and on the return trip left messages such as: "Vote out the anti-woman GOP on Nov. 8." [A red state message might be a link to an abortion access info site.]
Disadvantages: - easily removed
- easily replaced - cheap
- a simple concept
- no property damage
- everyone can do it
- reaches audiences that might otherwise not get much political/election info.
What do you guys think? Thanks for any input!
It's a great idea - and may help some woman who is desperate for info if the right hotline number is part of the message. I don't leave the house much but I think when I do I am going to try and do this. Women's restroom stalls : The new ground zero for a groundswell of support for the new disenfranchised. (Note: Since the the kristo-fascist GOP is hell bent on driving us back into the dark ages I thought it appropriate to employ "disenfranchised" in its archaic meaning.)