Anyone got any ideas on how to relieve hospital boredom?
My 83 year old Dad has been in hospital for almost two weeks with a broken leg. As of today all visits have been cancelled for the foreseeable because a patient on his ward has tested positive for Covid. Myself and his other children have made sure that one of us has been there at every visiting time and it’s breaking my heart thinking of him not having any real company for who knows how long. I know he’s been bored lying in a hospital bed all day and I’m sure it will be worse now. His eyesight hasn’t been quite right since he has been in hospital so reading is difficult. He’s not very tech savvy, he can just about answer and make calls on his smart phone, so a tablet is not really an option. We brought him a radio with headphones but they interfere with his hearing aid. Any ideas of anything I could bring him that would help put the time in?
"Words with Friends" on iPad or phone playing against family members at home?