Anthime Joseph "Tim" Gionet, AKA “Baked Alaska Phoenix, Kek, Groyper ***EVADED arrest… finally found in Houston, when he was hanging (or hiding, you might say!) with his parents in Phoenix prior to this. ‘FBI arrest social media personality known as Baked Alaska’ says the media “news” page that is trending and every freaking MSM outlet on the internet. WTAF?
2) He is a freak who made Twitter fame by saying Hitler did nothing wrong. Baked Alaska was maced in Charlottesville and whimpered that he had lost his eyesight. Takes no responsibility for his actions and then whimpers to make himself seem victimized. ***He streamed himself from an OFFICE, so why the kid glove treatment??? … Can be heard chanting, “Patriots are in control,” “whose house? Our house,” and “traitors, traitors, traitors....” The defendant can be heard remarking, “1776 baby,” “Unleash the Kraken, let’s go” “I won’t leave guys, don’t worry.” He moved to different offices chanting and putting his feet up on desks… then tells an officer who asks him to leave that he is a ”member of the media?” OH no he is not! As he is escorted out, he lies that officers shoved him, and says to one, “You’re a fucking oathbreaker you piece of shit,” “fuck you” approximately four times, and, “you broke your oath to the constitution.”

3) CHARGES: Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Judge G. M. Harvey signed complaint, now Judge Emmet Sullivan. He's been charged in a single-count indictment & assigned to Judge Sullivan instead…WTF he gets parading?
Plead guilty to parading. Plea Agreement: Sentencing date: Jan 12, 23. Judge Emmitt Sullivan: presiding. Sentenced to: Emmet Sullivan was Swatted the evening before Baked Alaska's plea deal in July. That is why Judge Sullivan took himself off of the Jan 6 cases. New Judge is tRUMPy McFadden...
Gionet: "I wanted to go to trial, but the prosecutors said if I didn't go to trial, they'd put a felony on me. So I think this is probably the better route" "I believe I'm innocent." Judge: "Fine ... pick a trial date. I can't take plea of guilty if you say you're innocent." What a looney maroon… Trial now set for March 7, 2023 Judge Sullivan compared domestic terrorists to foreign terrorists using a quote from George W.Bush… and to get in good graces… July 15 Baked Alaska called Sullivan biased, unethical, opinionated, a compromised corrupt swamper… and ends by calling him a “dirty” judge… meaning corrupt! Then takes a plea deal July 22…
4) More on "Tim Gionet, AKA “Baked Alaska”: Neo-Nazi, anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, and social media troll, abuser of women and people of colour. Used to work for Buzzfeed and then Milo, then anything far right for clicks shits and giggles… Because he films every dumb ass thing he does, does NOT make him a media personality FFS! “As the 2016 election took hold, he started to flirt with a political persona. He first put a Bernie Sanders portrait on his desk, two former colleagues said. Then, he moved on to wearing MAGA hats around the office, which raised eyebrows among his more progressive, if fairly apolitical, co-workers, though that was when some people still imagined the far right could be “ironic.”

Picture of Gionet getting his arm signed by tRUMP at a GOP rally… Two loud mouthed, know-nothing provocateurs and chaos agents in a pod…

5) THE GALL! Even though Gionet fled the state… and had other charges pending, Tim "Baked Alaska" Gionet is requested he have his monitor removed. Why? Because he has "led an exemplary life," raised in a Christian home & attended private Christian schools. He also added that he even made a music video titled "We Love Our Cops." The song opens with the lyrics: "We love our cops / Our law enforcement / We love our military they're important." Gionet goes on to sing: "When I'm on the run / When I'm on the run / All I gotta do is dial 911." His parents run a medical practice and are well respected… so um, Affluenza is expected… Yo…
6) Like Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones, Baked Alaska had his lawyer submit that he creates content and is fake! Here, he harasses and bullies employees for asking him to wear a mask. He live streams assholiness FFS! She called the cops so he runs away… OMFG here he is singing about cops and loving them after he called the cops on someone… He livestreams to his idiots MAGA troll fan base and he then HITS on a female officer FFS!!
Like most of the Q and MAGAs Gionet relies on his lies to MAGAts to make his living… So who funds the RWNJ liars? Govt notes Gionet filmed encounters with police to create "viral content" and used "unwitting" cops as "extras" OFFS! Judge STILL does not take away his social media as it is his ”living.”
7) Arizona pretrial services officer says Gionet moved to Clearwater, Florida. She says he reported 19 different trips around the country, but only reported his move to Arizona three weeks after he signed a lease in Florida. The judge says that sounds like he is violating conditions… so hopefully he will finally be locked up!
8) In an interview with Milo this week, Anthony Joseph Gionet (aka Baked Alaska) said the feds are leveraging a potential felony 1512 (Obstruction of Justice/Congress) charge against him to pressure him to cooperate.
9) Anthime Gionet draws Judge McTrumpy in the reassignment lottery. Will he just take the wrist-slapping, or move to withdraw his plea?
Lunyk was with Gionet on Jan.6. Lunyk is the one who got the call from the Whitehouse a he was enroute home on Jan 6 "I would've said "Our job yesterday wasn't completed. Our end goal was to brutally murder Pence and Pelosi, and sadly today they're still breathing, therefore we must come back stronger and fiercely next time around," Connor wrote in an Instagram message to Ferrigno, Lunyk and others on January 8, 2021. "If they take my money I'm gonna shoot Pelosi," Lunyk said to Connor, Ferrigno and others on January 12, 2021."We raped AOC," Connor texted Lunyk, Ferrigno and others on January 8, 2021.
Suck it, and suck it down hard. Some are finally realising that they're going to jail for a conman to continually grift, and remain a free man in a country with a two tiered justice system.
His parents must be so glad that they sent him to a private christian school, and so proud of how he has turned out.