A couple of days ago when I was kept inside by smoke, I perused todd's Fecesbook and saw that he mostly cleaned it up after his second bout of COVID... but I found a few things.
As I was looking around Todd's pictures, his wife Debbie replied to him so I bookmarked her Fecesbook to look at later. By the time I finished, she had made her page private. I have a feeling that she had more pictures of her grandchild and few, if any, antivax, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt being she became a proponent of vaccinations once she saw how COVID ravaged her husband and the death sentence it bestowed upon him.
It is hard to believe that this is still going on in 2023, but the right wing sources these people read are still happily scare-mongering these numbskulls literally to death. Is Debbie going to visit those same sources in between cleaning Todd's butt and church? Given he looks 30 years older than he is, it won't be for much longer. Also, Todd invoked the angel of death, Candeath Owens.
A couple of days ago when I was kept inside by smoke, I perused todd's Fecesbook and saw that he mostly cleaned it up after his second bout of COVID... but I found a few things.
He used to drive trucks. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=571756349582547&set=ecnf.100002445612978
He used to smoke... or still does as this one is from February
He has a daughter and granddaughter that he rarely ever shows pictures of; I wonder why? He fishes and wins bass fishing contests for cash with kevin. Is that why? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=876382142453298&set=ecnf.100002445612978
And this is why the daughter is not as welcome. 8 people liked it and THREE shared it...FFS. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=3225853994172756&set=ecnf.100002445612978
His cousin is a lot smarter than he is... https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10208422365113614&set=ecnf.1740722905
As I was looking around Todd's pictures, his wife Debbie replied to him so I bookmarked her Fecesbook to look at later. By the time I finished, she had made her page private. I have a feeling that she had more pictures of her grandchild and few, if any, antivax, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt being she became a proponent of vaccinations once she saw how COVID ravaged her husband and the death sentence it bestowed upon him.
Thanks for your work Dark Angel.
It is hard to believe that this is still going on in 2023, but the right wing sources these people read are still happily scare-mongering these numbskulls literally to death. Is Debbie going to visit those same sources in between cleaning Todd's butt and church? Given he looks 30 years older than he is, it won't be for much longer. Also, Todd invoked the angel of death, Candeath Owens.
Todd before the Rona.
A change of heart after COVID, but maybe too little too late for one of them.
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