Yesterday I served as an election judge for our Minnesota primary. They try to get an equal number of Dem and Republican judges, so normally we have some Republican judges, even though in Minneapolis most of us are Democrats. Some of the tasks require party balance, like assigning one Democrat and one Republican to a voter who needs help marking their ballot.
Yesterday morning, the head judge asked if any politically unaffiliated judges were present, to provide that balance. That's because Minneapolis Republicans boycotted the process, citywide. The one Republican who signed up to be a judge in our precinct called in "sick."
They seem to be practicing for November—setting up an excuse for losing a city that won't vote for them anyway. ("Those durn libruls kept us out and stole the election.") And generally delegitimizing democracy.
I didn't see any news about it in the local paper today, so I sent them a tip. The reporter was surprised and said they'd definitely follow up on it. The news needs to get out there before November.