Just let me start by saying, that the title of this thread, in no way mocks either your country,or the sentiment of “God Bless America.”🙂 Just the opposite,in fact. It is to show support from “across the pond,” to the enlightened people,both on here,and in the USA,rather than the Trump supporting numbskulls.
I suggest that flags should be lowered,for the duration of the Fascist regime’s tenure.
It was an embarrassment that our “Dollar Tree Fascist,” Nigel Farage,floated into your country, like raw sewage.
I used Dollar Tree, as our equivalent “Poundland,” may have a different meaning in America…
Is the (Im)balance in the Supreme Court,still 6-3 in favour of conservatives,,after Trump replaced liberal Ruth Ginsberg, with a conservative ? I ask because, do you think they would support Trump,if he wanted the maximum length, of 2 terms for the Presidency scrapped, in the event of another insurrection,like the 6th January one?
Or is it simply down to the Senate and House,respectively, to determine such policy.
Best wishes from 🇬🇧
Be like France, …. in a good way:
During BrExist, back in 2016, Russian misinformation made your gullible, stupid, and uneducated vote to leave the European Union.
Then Russia did the same to country formally known as the United States of America, but to be renamed the Republic of Gilead because the ChristoFascists consider the "Handmaid's Tale" an howto book, back in 2016.
After After what happened in the United Kindom and the USA, France had a campaign against the Russian Misinformation during its 2017-Elections. The Russian Misinformation failed in France.
Now we have a Fascist milliardaire named Usk Melon, CEO of Edison who bough the US-Election. He celebrated his by giving his fans Nazi Salutes. He currently tries to buy Elections in Germany and England. As you mentioned, he cozies up with Nigel Farage, in the UK. Like France in 2017, please resist the propaganda.