I just saw this on tv . It is very disturbing. Made me very sad . Unfortunately I don't know how to paste here ,so I just make foto copy . BBC made a video of this .
There are lots of heartbreaking stories coming from the Ukraine. Many are true. Many are not. Do not be fooled by scammers or even Ukraine Gov. PR people overdoing the numbers and undermining the sympathy of the conflict by doing so. *The opposite of their objective, now that the headlines are waning)
Providing links and information is important, cizinka.
There are lots of heartbreaking stories coming from the Ukraine. Many are true. Many are not. Do not be fooled by scammers or even Ukraine Gov. PR people overdoing the numbers and undermining the sympathy of the conflict by doing so. *The opposite of their objective, now that the headlines are waning)
Providing links and information is important, cizinka.
This one is a CBC story... with a VIDEO. Sadly it is true... https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-61325277
Disability Rights International is very real and has been around since 2012, according to the site: https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/about-us