First of all, let me say I'm Fauci's biggest fan. I'm really old, and was 23 when the AIDS pandemic was discovered (in 1981) and followed the pandemic for 15 years, until finally we found drugs that could actually turn AIDS into a manageable disease rather than the killer it was. I lost my best friend to AIDS in 1992, as well two other work associates.
Through it all, Fauci was a hero in the pandemic. He garnered the respect of the gay community, after initially being attacked as a government official. Sound familiar? (This is all profiled in "And The Band Played On" from Randy Shilts)
I have pretty much agreed with Fauci on 95% of his proclamations during the Coronavirus pandemic. He fucked up once with whether one should wear masks when the pandemic first exploded in March 2020 (I know he did it because there was a shortage at the time for health workers, but it is still a fuck-up), and I do believe he has fucked up again with this pronouncement. Yeah he tried to mitigate it, but it's always the first line that makes the headline. We had 57,000 cases on Monday, and 57,000 cases on Tuesday, and these are most certainly undercounts, given how many people are testing at home and not reporting positive results. And hospitalizations are on the rise. I just don't understand this statement by Fauci, and Dr. Jonathan Reiner on CNN this morning expressed similar sentiments. We are most certainly still in the grips of this pandemic.
The way I LOOK AT IT is ironic that TRUMP NEVER SEEMS TO CATCH HELL FOR HIS COMMENTS about Biden at the debate or for being a total idiot regarding science-in-general (windmills, nuking hurricanes, antiseptics, light, pandemic ending by Easter) and more, but FAUCI caught hell for saying we don't need to wear masks.
I can see how AT FIRST, we were uncertain about transmissibility and we had to learn how the virus behaves and acts first---so, I am not really tripping.
I am more afraid of the lunatics screaming about "MASK MANDATES AND NAZI GERMANY!!!!!" with their faces turning purple and veins bulging like that idiot hippy at the town hall meeting.
I am more grossed-out by those apes, than by Fauci's preliminary mistakes.