As you all know by now, Canada has its share of nutbars. This one made my jaw drop. I feel bad for the lady who is losing her money, but at least I learned that you shouldn't pay for a vacation with a debit card.
The ranch owner's husband announced in May that they would refund. The BC. solicitor General's comments were great: "This is just wrong. Like, you want to subscribe to a wack job conspiracy theory. That's your business. But you don't rip people off like this. It's unethical.". He will also investigate whether the ranch received any government COVID relief.
The ranch owner's husband announced in May that they would refund. The BC. solicitor General's comments were great: "This is just wrong. Like, you want to subscribe to a wack job conspiracy theory. That's your business. But you don't rip people off like this. It's unethical.". He will also investigate whether the ranch received any government COVID relief.