The Proudboys trial was not in session on Friday, nor will it be this Monday. Why? Because the bastards collected a shit ton of money via fundraising sites which pays for slick lawyers who interject, object, muddle, and confuse the jury. IE: The proudboys planned to interrupt the electoral count and marched there, broke in and stopped the proceedings and now the lawyers say... "but there was no proceeding when they broke in." They are also clamouring for access to the same tapes given to Ticker Carlson and for mistrials...
Even though the jury may not fall for this crap, it interferes with the flow, seed doubt and delays what is already a months long trial.
More Dirty Tricks
IOW, by totally breaking an already damaged window and removing all of the glass, Pezzola ensured no added costs for removing broken glass. This is why justice fails to be delivered ...
#CPAC2023, Lindell went on and on and didn't hand out pillows after his snooze-fest triggered a prompter... Yes, this is real...
And more
tRUMP's crowd while he spoke to empty chairs
I wasn't in drag, I was dressing as a woman because it was pledge week.
Sigh, and finally, thanks America for emboldening our Alberta asshats!