Couy Griffin got his ass handed to him when he asked Otero County (southern NM) to pay for all his legal fees in an attempt to remove his sorry ass from office as well as pay his legal expenses for unauthorized trespass during trump’s January 6th insurrection. Attendees pointed out that citizens shouldn’t have to pay for his elective stupidity. Right fucking on.
Saw a clip of Couy whining how he feels “left out in the cold”. Poor fucking Couy. He didn’t obey the law and list Cowboys for Trump as a PAC, owes back taxes and fees because of that, racked up lawyer and court costs in his belligerent defiance of a lawful election while participating in an insurrection, and now is dejected because nobody is bailing him out for his own stupidity and actions. Typical stupid fucking radical republican who thinks might makes right. The motherfucker was all over the state in the leadup to January 6th protesting masking, distancing, and disputing the election. He went to DC convinced he was going to be a hero. Oops.
Now that the bill comes due, Couy is whining like a typical fucked up republican who made bad choices and blames everyone else for his woes. He was all bravado and confrontation before. Now the world has abandoned him and he probably needs a good cry as he figures out trump fucked him too.
Here’s the dumbass in the black hat using a barricade as a ladder during the insurrection:
And here is the bastard whining about how public funds were denied in his quest to have everyone else pay for his stupidity. Note the coffee can for donations. Fucking grifter.
The guy was a big man belligerent impediment to getting people in southern NM to mask and distance. He was a lightning rod of defiance and no doubt cost lives. He went to DC to be a hero for trump and trump couldn’t have cared less. It’s probably no coincidence Otero county had some of New Mexico’s highest covid rates and hospitals overwhelmed during the pandemic. Least compliant and most dead. Great job, Couy.
This is one asshole who is getting what they deserve - consequences. I hope it bankrupts him. Maybe he could (has?) start a gofundme to pay for his stupidity. It’s the republican thing it seems.
Fuck you, Couy. Hope you get ruined. (As you can likely tell, Couy really pisses me off. 😁)
And congrats to Otero county for cutting that fucking grifter off!
Good, fucker deserves all the shit coming his way.
Now what's the line that cucservatives love to say?
Oh, I remember now. "Why should others have to pay for your poor life choices".