He did have health issues, and his family says it was cirrhosis that killed him. Genetic issues that I do know he had. But he was on the vent twice, he actively discouraged others from wearing masks and he publicly stated he was not getting vaccinated. He wanted herd immunity, so if Covid pushed him over an edge that he would have otherwise survived, that's on him.
I do feel sadness, and it does suck that he was born with a genetic disease. Additionally, a part of me says, "That's one less Republican voter" and then I feel some amount of shame for thinking that.
Anyway, RIP to the fake Republican who was really a Libertarian who I'm sure was so happy about Roe being repealed and jfc I don't know if I can get through another season of The Handmaid's Tale.
June 2020: Tennessee Rep David Byrd joins GOP colleagues in excoriating journalists, saying they 'sensationalized' COVID. “Byrd joined all 73 members of the House Republican caucus in petitioning Gov. Bill Lee to call a special session of the legislature to prohibit local mask mandates and keep businesses from barring the unvaccinated. https://www.thedailybeast.com/tennessee-republican-david-byrd-nearly-died-from-covid-now-hes-fighting-masks
July 2021: Byrd returns to Legislature after 8-month bout with COVID that required a liver transplant."It is very dangerous" "To them, I would say covid is real and it is very dangerous," Byrd said of vaccine skeptics. "It is a disease that wants to kill us. Please take it seriously.
Risk for the future health of the population:*** lasting symptoms like blood clots and stroke, heart arrhythmias,lung scarring, Diabetes, vascular damage, neurological symptoms and inflammation/ damage to internal organs like the lung deficiency, kidney failure, liver dysfunction, abnormal levels of cholesterol and higher risk of coronary heart disease. Also, most have symptoms similar to Chronic fatigue syndrome. https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2020/08/covid-19-survivors-face-lifetime-of-disability/ UK
*When tRUMP asks, what do you have to lose , when taking hydroxychloroquine , the president of AMA says “Your life!!” (Plus, besides being high risk and toxic, one of the side effects is retinal damage and possibly blindness … and continually do damage to the liver and kidneys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7AVw8Y5dNA) https://twitter.com/RadioFreeTom/status/1246960748338741249
‘No, Ivermectin Is Not Making People Poop Out "Rope Worms". The Truth Is Much Worse.’ Besides making them sick, poisoned, liver damage and poop at inappropriate times, the tissue they are seeing is not worms… it is the protective mucus layer…. Of their intestinal lining!!! The same thing happens in the “cleanses” like MMS (industrial bleach) https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/no-ivermectin-is-not-making-people-poop-out-rope-worms-the-truth-is-much-worse/
Liver enzymes
“Liver enzyme elevations are common in patients with COVID-19, Elizabeth C. Verna, MD, MSc, said at the Liver Meeting Digital Experience's COVID-19 and the Liver Clinical Symposium, held last November by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.” ‘”Patients with chronic liver disease may be at increased risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes, particularly those with nonalcoholic-associated fatty liver disease; however, the greatest impact may be among those with decompensated cirrhosis, she said. On the other hand, liver transplant recipients do not seem to be at higher risk of mortality from COVID-19 compared to the nontransplant population,” said Dr. Verna. https://acpinternist.org/archives/2021/03/how-covid-19-affects-the-liver.htm
Liver damage