Fit man, around 30, chatting up a couple in their mid-60s. The woman is fascinated by him. She lists off a bunch of people that she “follows”. All docs. All sound real internet sleazy. I pretend I’m shopping for some chocolate so I can hear them better. Couple is thrilled to talk to someone so knowledgeable. He then goes onto say that his whole bed is rigged and grounded with copper wire because that way he’s not getting unnecessary inflammation. He says all the docs know about this but refuse to study it. Because Argle bargle. (And, yeah, doctors do all sorts of research for free! It’s totally the way the system works!) Anyway, I laughed at the chocolate when the “knowledgeable” guy said they can’t wear rubber soles on their shoes because it will block their ability to keep inflammation down. The PA (yes) that came up with this is just tearing up the world with all this fact stuff. Saving lives! Wonder how many COVID patients he saved with copper wires and bare feet?
I cannot with these people. I’m a fucking tree hugging, anti-big pharma type and I really, really CANNOT.
Unless he's lying directly on a copper mesh sheet, then all the grounding wires in the world won't make his mattress conduct electricity from his body to earth ground. But I'm just an electrician and not an Internet Doctor, so what would I know?