Pursuing Badges watching AV videos has caused rage, anguish, hatred, screaming, despair, disbelief, frustration, bewilderment, soul crushing, empathy depletion, psychological paralysis, face palming, eye glazing, indigestion, nausea, poor hygiene, frigidity, impotence and premature ejaculation.
This list is incomplete, as the stupidity encountered is as infinite as the cosmos.
We hereby release our heroes Vaxxman and Vaxxlady from any and all consequences of mental anguish viewing the sociological carnage and hold liable the soul poisoned AVers.
This site only cut and pastes in their own words. Editorial comment is as civil as anyone could ask for.
No less than saving sickness, lives and human decency in a most noble and righteous cause!
As my tears of heartfelt gratitude fall on my keyboard, I thank you both for all you do and endure.
Still no badges here. Nothing makes watching those fucking idiots worth it.