Sky News is owned by the Murdoch's, and in the evenings is when the right wing nut job talking heads spew out hatred to minorities, and disinformation on an industrial scale.
Here's a link to an article about them, and you'll see the parallel lines drawn to what's happing in the US.
I kid you not, this was not made up.
According to Sky, Climate 200 works for Labor, which is concerning because if Labor wins they will work for Climate 200. Allegedly, both groups are in a ‘cabal’ with Channel 9 and the ABC, a cabal which works for the Greens who are in cahoots with the World Economic Forum and the families of George Bush Snr and Jr who set up the ‘New World Order’ to enforce communism on the world. All of this linked to both Daniel Andrews and Anthony Albanese, and somehow connects with Hunter Biden’s laptop (I fucking wish I was making any of that up). With complex webs of derangement like this, it felt like the channel wanted to begin work on an Aussie reboot of the January 6th riot.
Also, a video about the hyperventilating rhetoric now coming from these boof heads.
I'm confused... why does anybody on the right in Australia think Drumpf will do a goddamn thing for them? If it's not in his personal best interest, he will pretty much do anything to succeed. Australia's a country he barely has even heard of.
The Murdoch's are all quite evil things and should be buried and scattered before their corpses rise up and reanimate again.