I'm rewriting this query so to generalize this question. The original was not intended to embarrass anyone. I'm not intending to attack anyone in any manner. I am trying to get a, or "the proper perspective" on Pence. Zero?-Hero?-Punk azz B?.
I note that some have on occasion been somewhat reticent recently when it comes to giving Pence credit. Yah that's fair if you question giving him credit about doing the right thing. I note some statements like, "Look at all the ass-kissing and GOP "playing along" Pence did prior to FINALLY standing up to Trump and doing the right thing, Pence did do the right thing at the 11th hour of the electoral count session. (Am I Close ?)
I am thinking "Thank Gob he, Pence, finally did the right thing!" "Whew, that was close!"
But yah...Pence was Trump's Punk up until that point. Ole smiley, pale, possum-face, head-nodding Trump sycophant that he is/was 'ole Mike Pence.
Eh? Most of the GOPers became Trump's punk sooner than later. I couldn't believe it and neither could most rational people. The repugs laughed in Trump's face at first and insulted him until he became president then...
The GOP suddenly became a nastily greased machine of Trump Ass kissing, back-peddling conniving bitches. They smelled like Trump's ass I heard cause all of them were running behind Trump kissing his stankiness 24-7.
Soon, Trump, had them cowering and kowtowing like a pack of gutless fooking Republican hyenas.
Lawrence O'Donnell asked the same question or made the same statement as have others.
Here's the vid and I still am wondering the "why" of the whole thing.
To answer my own question as to why:
1. Pence did the right thing to avoid prosecution.
2. Pence was trying to cast himself favorably in order to wash from himself the filth of the
Trump republicans. In doing so he might be considered in a more favorable light when/if it comes to selecting the 2024 republican presidential candidate.
I have a wildly strong opinion on this (surprise!) but will wait to hear SGF's take...