In February, hundreds of flyers blaming Jews for the COVID-19 pandemic were found in Berkeley, San Francisco, Palo Alto and elsewhere in Calif. In January, similar flyers appeared in six states: Florida, Colorado, Wisconsin, Texas, California and Maryland.
The leaders of this are a few guys who run something called Goyim TV: Jon Minadeo II, Patrick Little, etc.
Minadeo was arrested outside Auschwitz, Poland about 3 weeks ago for anti-semitic BS. Minadeo apparently just moved to Floriduh, but he makes $$$ with his online hate merch.
Here's what was in my neighborhood's driveways just this week. Photo is a bit blurry but reads "Every Aspect of the Covid Agenda is Jewish"

Here's another example of the slurs. Cops say it's Free Speech, not defamation.
Hate to keep beating this dead horse, but it sure looks like we are doing a repeat of the old German playbook right after WWI.
The parallels are real and uncanny this time. We even have a psychopath/sociopath leader looking to "blame" people for his loss (much like the former glory of Germany was lost after WWI, and looking to "make us great" again).
And even if he (the orange shitgibbon as he is called) dies, I am not so sure he doesn't have close "kin" who could follow in his shoes using him as a martyr and symbol of "former glory".
All it will take, I believe, is a SERIOUS economic downturn. Not something like $5 gasoline, but a serious depression that throws most of the nation out of work and causes real food shortages where people have to wait in food lines or something.
Then the blame game will go nuclear.
These guys doing this small crap are pikers. The big boys are much scarier. And probably have a plan to organize them all when needed. It can start with a fanatical core and grow from there into something nearly unstoppable.
There are so many dangerous hate groups... all hell bent on saying they are the most "patriotic" advocates for free (hate) speech. Thankfully, in Canada we have hate speech laws.