Just when we thought it was dying down, Covid is coming back in another round. It's hitting the Midwest right now.
An average of more than 90,000 new cases are now being identified each day in the United States, a 60 percent increase from two weeks ago. And in much of the Northeast and Midwest, daily new-case reports have already surpassed the peak of last summer’s Delta surge.
Whether or not this will result in more deaths is unknown. Many cases, I suspect are of those who have been infected already and have some minor immunity from the virus-but that fades over time, too, just like the vaccine.
We shall see what's going to happen, but for now: get boosted if you need to, and wear that damn mask, making sure it's a N95 or a KN95, because those are the ones that will keep you safer than any other kind, including surgical ones.
On the other hand, some scientists worry that the future of Covid is:
A virus that shows no signs of disappearing, variants that are adept at dodging the body’s defenses, and waves of infections two, maybe three times a year — this may be the future of Covid-19, some scientists now fear.
And this is our future.
The problem with this current wave of Covid cases is that everyone is just shrugging and saying, "It is what it is."
But I figured out the numbers-at roughly 300 deaths a day, if we keep this pace up, there will be over 100,000 people dead by the end of the year, and that's without any real surge to speak of.
I think that's a little bit steep a number for Covid going away.
On the masks-I'm now getting email spam from the manufacturer of my KN95 masks, and I'm tempted to reorder them just to have them on hand-because even when I do get my teeth put in I'll still wear the mask-it's still too dangerous to go without it.