Ok so I've seen a few comments on SAV about Alex Jones going down. As far as I understand, he has been ordered to pay out money to Sandy Hook families, of which he likely will not pay the full sum because Texas will likely limit it, but he is still spreading lies, still is able to operate Info Wars and make money off it, and is not facing any jail time. So I don't quite understand how Alex Jones is going down. Is there any possibility of lawsuits that would actually result in Jones getting locked up (hopefully for the rest of his life)? Is there any possibility of lawsuits that would **actually** take down the empire of lies Jones has built and continues to feed?
(And yes I've heard he had child porn on his phone but no I have not heard about that translating into legal or other repercussions for him.)
Also if anyone has energy- one of the Sandy Hook parents has a non-profit dedicated to countering online-facilitated harassment and they take volunteers to research communities and people that may need their services. https://www.honrnetwork.org/onboarding-team/
Alex Jones' nutty conspiracy theories would not hurt anyone were it not for the unfortunate fact that lots of idiots actually believe him! It amazes me that so many people are easily persuaded to believe off-the-wall nonsense with no evidence whatsoever.