How do you talk about COVID with a good friend who's now on their second round of it? I didn't even know till today that she'd had her first case back in January '22 (omicron). She lives across the country from me, and probably didn't want to worry me. See, she is pro-vaccine; I'm not sure about the masking--certainly not against it, but I have no idea just by looking at Facebook whether she masks consistently or not. She just basically has more of a carefree attitude about being out in public, indoors, in big groups, and just in general seeing people. This time it sounds like she got COVID either from her very elderly parents when she went to them to help out (thinking they had some sort of respiratory virus), or from their caretaker, so I'm hesitant to further depress her with how it's really bad to have cumulative cases of it. I guess I'll keep quiet. Also she's in her late 60s (though in very good health) and doesn't plan to take Paxlovid.
Thanks for listening; I guess I just feel better writing things out.
I forgot to mention this friend is married to a narcissistic, emotionally abusive bully, so for her getting out and enjoying things and people and so forth probably means a lot more than it might to other people. I always kept that in mind when I would see pics of her at a concert or with friends or whatever. Sigh.
This is not even related but I'll piggyback on my own post: my 85-year-old mom is visiting her sister in the hospital in New York City. She sent me a pic of them in her room, neither wearing masks ("I put a mask back on when I left the room.") There's nothing I can do apart from nag her once again that there is aerosol spread and a room with a curtain partition is not going to stop COVID. I am so weary and resigned.
So sorry to hear about your friend.
We’re always here to listen. I prefer to be upfront with people, give them the facts and let them decide what to do. They may not like what they hear but it’s better than keeping something from them. I don’t know about how bad it is to have cumulative cases. I’ve had it twice, December 2021 and October 2022. Would you tell me?