Trolls Laker Kolya and Cris Porper (See update 1 in replies below)
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Sadly the Commerce trolls are here. I guess it won't be long before they take over. In an online search, you can see in update 1 that POS Cris Porper infiltrates unused and unmoderated forums to get paid clicks. Sadly, the fucker also knows how to use each site to his advantage... having learned tricks along the way and knows more than most members how to use the site. He has rigged the click on their name to go to their spam post... and not the profile. Gee I wonder how he managed to be here shortly after May's fucking fiasco when all mods were removed and the administrator himself shouted it to the world?
In the meantime, to give them less paid views, hover (Do not click!) over the avatar on the right to see they are new members and have no followers because they closed their profiles off and are unreportable... although now EVERYONE is. 🙄 Brand new 2023 members is one sign not to click on it. Please don't click on the actual post or reply in it.
I reported Porper directly to WIX but have no idea if it even went through. There was no acknowledgement after filling in the ticket. WIX also limits what you can report as VAXMAN is supposed to be administrating, moderating and making reports ... not us, so even if they read it, they may reject it as the heading did not include troll spam. I have reported the trolls to Vaxman each time and ... nothing ... so expect more of the same...
Spam trolls are trying to take over the site. Please don't give them clicks or views... as they get paid per click. I will keep upping this whenever they post so that anyone who has returned and is unaware who they are will not click on them, hopefully…
Cris Porper is a notorious ad spammer from Ukraine ... see this comment in replies...or scroll down to update1 below.