Folks, if you know women or girls of childbearing age, please help to cut this line of disinformation off before it gets legs in the dunce cap crowd.
“Google searches for “DIY abortion” have skyrocketed since the Supreme Court’s decision in June overturning Roe v. Wade, the nearly 50-year landmark ruling that legalized abortion nationwide.
Searches for herbs like “pennyroyal” and “mugwort” among others also have spiked as viral TikTok videos and Facebook posts claim they can cause miscarriages or abortions. One video showing how to muddle these herbs into a drinkable tea has reached more than 250,000 views.“
“Disinformation thrives when there is confusion,” said Rachael Piltch-Loeb, associate research scientist at New York University's School of Global Public Health and a preparedness fellow at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. People are turning to these alternative products because “there’s such a void of options out there."
This is what the self-righteous religious nutjob right has done to this country. They are victimizing countless women, girls, and children. Desperate people do desperate things. People are about to learn why back-alley abortions and quack cures were discussed in the lead-up to that fucked court’s decision, and feared.
The bible belt must be loving this, as it is straight from the bible... where husbands were given a recipe to kill a fetus if he thought his wife was cheating... and myrrh oil may have been considered a gift from the gods as an abortifacient, "preventing the implantation of fertilized eggs..."
There is possible liver and kidney failure/hallucinations/seizures for those who overdose on abortifacients and dozens of young girls have died when legal abortions were available, FFS, so how many will die now? And should the attempt kill the baby, but not be aborted, sepsis will for sure kill a child or teen unable to afford or unwilling to see a doctor. And no one will hear about it because it will be hushed... again...