Although this person insists that there are many more of him, I have my doubts because there are so many mentally unstable, mean, and greedy taxcuts loving people who will likely never budge. He insists that he was able to emerge from the abyss witht the help of friends who never gave up on him, so for that reason he does deserve to be heard. I would not get hopes up that there are enough converts to assure that the MAGA movement will die, but I certainly do agree that the GQP will never return to a more reasonable and functioning party.
I'm Living Proof That Others Can Leave MAGA. There Are Likely More of Us Than We Realize.
I'm An Ex-MAGA Activist. The GOP Can't Be Saved, and Everyone Needs to Cease Pretending It Can Be.
My optimism that MAGA will stop trying to touch the hot stove is ... low. I tried to depict that here using an old poster. Playing with matches and starting the house on fire might be more appropos.
Another one saved, @👀 Rubberneck safely, in case you have notifications on.
Man Oh man I'm trying . Just had a two hour conversation yesterday . I'm standing strong , leaning in and trying to listen more . This person keeps giving me commonalities between us ( I think it's a bit of a safespacewhen I push back with some logic that makes sense .But for the life of me I cannot figure out where she's getting information or what rabbit hole she's dipped into . I asked 🤔. But I heard Tucker , Soros , and a couple both sides are bad stuff.