Nothing much except possibly lifesaving vaccines. Got booster #2. Arm’s a little sore but no chills or fever like all other shots. I think I’ll be able to get the new version that’s optimized for omicron when it comes available this fall.
Odds are good I won’t be dead from covid and may still be vertical and kicking for the elections. I’ll be voting straight ticket democrat.
As an aside, I suspect it was either a conservative republican justice (or wife) who leaked the abortion ruling, or maybe Stephen Breyer who knows he isn’t going to be there much longer and doesn’t have as much to lose. But my money is on Clarence’s wife Jenni. Likely as a motivator to get out the republican vote. Tell them what they’re playing for, Johnny…

Likely a conservative clerk who doesn't want any of the 5 to side with Roberts IMO. Now it'll be really hard for them to change their mind that the draft is leaked.
Seriously guys, can we all agree to block pit bull assturd? All (s)he does is get off on riling everyone up. It’s so sad and pathetic, but I’ve gone very far in life by refusing to let ridiculous bullshit take up space in my sphere. If I can block my own family members, this fool stands no chance.
perfect,lol, Im playing for the new Zenith 21 inch BW tv,and the new Bendix automatic clothes washer.........
For those with social media presences or young people (meaning reproductive age) in your lives, please spread the word about these reliable resources to get connected to abortion care:,,
Self-managed abortion is pretty safe and increasingly supported by the medical establishment, but people have to know where to go
My opinion is that it was a clerk who was willing to risk everything a la Pentagon Papers to expose something equally heinous. Hopefully this will get all Democrats, Progressives, and liberals of any label out to vote, now that the consequences of not doing so is painfully obvious.
I'd venture a wild guess that it is not Ginni Thomas (who wouldn't know anything about how the court operates completely or be allowed in to the offices) but a very angry law clerk who has become radicalized by the decision-because they included the full draft, which only justices and clerks have seen or read.
I doubt it would be a Justice themselves, because they know the unwritten rules-even Stephen Breyer would not betray the Court like this.
Because it is at its' core, a profound betrayal of the inner workings. Not that I mind that, but think about if your boss talked or released information about the corporate meetings that were not supposed to be public information.
It'd be a betrayal. I get it, but thank god someone did it.
This will only drive it under ground with no safety nets and dubious quacks to make money. It’s absurd, but sounds just what bible whackjob masturbators want, to foist their double standards and ignorance onto women.
Agree. Think it’s a staffer who’s losing their shit. Desperate times…
From reading the leaked texts, I don't think Ginni has the requisite intelligence to operate a computer, locate a PDF, and e-mail it to someone.